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I Spy ESL Vocabulary Game
Have you ever played the I Spy ESL Game with younger learners? The activity is a simple yet effective way to improve your students’ listening and speaking skills. It also can be a fun method for reviewing vocabulary and increasing interaction in class.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Age Group: Kids
No Harm No Vowel ESL Vocabulary Game
This activity is an adaptation from a game featured on Hollywood Game Night. While playing this game, students must guess words that have had all of their vowels removed. It is a fun activity for reviewing vocabulary and for word recognition.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
To Be ESL Vocabulary Game
The To Be ESL Game focuses on creating questions and answers using the verb “to be” along with vocabulary lists. It is appropriate for all ages and levels.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Prepositions ESL Vocabulary Game
Are you looking for a new activity to practice prepositions in class? The Prepositions ESL Game is an interactive activity that students attempt to recreate a scene from a photograph with a drawing. It works well with all age groups.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Halloween ESL Vocabulary Game
Need a new classroom activity to try for Halloween? The next time the end of October rolls around, try playing the Halloween ESL Vocabulary Game with your students in class. The game is suitable for most age groups and levels.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Comparatives ESL Vocabulary Game
This comparatives ESL game uses player cards from EA Sports games to encourage students to practice comparatives using authentic content. The activity can be adapted to suit any age or level.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Body Parts ESL Vocabulary Game
The Body Parts ESL Game is a fun and interactive activity for improving students’ understanding of body vocabulary. The game also allows students to practice listening skills while drawing funny looking cartoon characters with their classmates.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Age Group: Kids
Toilet Paper ESL Vocabulary Game
Play the Toilet Paper ESL Game with your new classes. It is a funny and entertaining way to get your students to talk in class. Pick up a roll of toilet paper and bring it to your first class. A roll of paper towel will work just as well if you prefer to use that instead.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Have You Ever ESL Vocabulary Game
Playing the Have You Ever ESL Game will get students to practice new vocabulary that they have learned in class. You can use new words covered in your course textbook and other vocabulary that you would like to reinforce.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Tic Tac Toe ESL Vocabulary Game
In this activity, you can use the classic Tic Tac Toe grid to help your students recall vocabulary from your lessons. The Tic Tac Toe ESL Game works best as a filler or a way to conclude a lesson as a review activity. Furthermore, you can even use it with adults as you can vary the level of difficulty.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Word Whack ESL Vocabulary Game
Here is a fun interactive game that will engage younger learners and help with their listening skills. The Word Whack ESL Game is also a fun way to review simple vocabulary and even more complex words by encouraging them to recognize the words on the board that they hear.
Student Level: Beginner
Age Group: Kids
Hangman ESL Vocabulary Game
Playing the Hangman ESL Game in class is an effective method for helping students recall vocabulary, improve pronunciation and practice using new words from the curriculum. It is usually used with younger ages but can also be fun for adult learners too if adapted appropriately.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Hot Seat ESL Vocabulary Game
The Hot Seat ESL Game is a classic vocabulary activity that has been around for a while in the language learning world. It can be used with all age groups, not just kids, and can be a good way to get everyone involved in the activity. It is sometimes called “Back to the Board” or similar to the game “Taboo.”
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Simon Says ESL Vocabulary Game
The Simon Says ESL Game has always been the “go to” activity for teaching kids body parts and other vocabulary. You can also play it with objects in the classroom or even saying common expressions or phrases that you would like to review.
Student Level: Beginner
Age Group: Kids
Pass the Marker ESL Vocabulary Game
This game is recommended for kids because of its simplicity, though if you are creative and want to raise the level of difficulty, it could also be used in adult classes if you want to have a change of pace in your lesson. For the Pass the Marker ESL Game, all you need is a marker and a board.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Memory Race ESL Vocabulary Game
This memory race ESL game is more directed at children to help them recall vocabulary, but it could still be adapted to suit adult classes with some increased difficulty. It works best in classrooms that have a lot of space for people to move around without too many obstructions.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Board Race ESL Vocabulary Game
The Board Race ESL Game is a fun way to get your class up and out of their seats. The activity can be used with young students as well as with adults, depending on your classroom size. All you need are two markers, free space to move in the class and a board to write on.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Word Chain ESL Vocabulary Game
This Word Chain ESL Game can be used to help build students vocabulary using a variety of themes. It can be used with larger groups or even in pairs.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Mystery Word ESL Vocabulary Game
If you want your students to start thinking more outside the box, this fun mystery word ESL game can get them there while also building their vocabulary based on a particular theme or topic that you are covering in your class.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
20 Questions ESL Vocabulary Game
This is a fun activity for encouraging students to ask “yes” or “no” questions about a “mystery word” that someone is thinking of. The 20 Questions ESL Game can be used as a good way to review any type of vocabulary that you have already covered in class.
Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate
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Other Interactive ESL Activities and Games
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