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English Grammar Courses Online
View our extensive database of ESL activities for kids and adults.
Many of these activities can be the primary focus of a daily English class. You could also adapt the exercises as warm-up activities, fillers, or extensions to a lesson.
Improve students’ core English skills.
The activities are divided into four main categories for developing core skills in English, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar.
We have also added a collection of interactive vocabulary games.
Make your classes fun and engaging.
Try our ESL board game activities based on popular TV game shows and classic board games.
Most activities are suitable for all ages and levels.
Teach your students idioms and phrases.
Check out our new searchable list of English idioms and phrases.
You can view the meanings and examples of many common expressions. Customize your own list and print it out to use in your classes.
ESL Activities for Developing Core Skills
- ESL Listening Activities
- ESL Speaking Activities
- ESL Reading Activities
- ESL Writing Activities
- ESL Grammar Activities
Interactive ESL Activities and Games
Recommended Activities for Ice Breakers
Recommended Activities with Audio and Video
Browse Activities by Student Age Group
- ESL Games for Kindergarten Classes (Beginner)
- ESL Activities for Kids (Beginner to Advanced)
- ESL Activities for Adults (Beginner to Advanced)
Browse Activities by Student Level
- ESL Activities for Beginner Students
- ESL Activities for Intermediate Students
- ESL Activities for Advanced Students
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New ESL Activities for Kids and Adults
Passive Voice ESL Grammar Activity
Contractions ESL Grammar Activity
Adjectives ESL Grammar Activity
Prepositions ESL Grammar Activity
Uncountable Nouns ESL Grammar Activity
Article Usage ESL Grammar Activity
Tarot Cards ESL Speaking Activity
New Idiom Lists with Free Worksheets and PDFs
Cat Idioms List with Meanings, Examples, & PDFs
Dog Idioms List with Meanings, Examples, & PDFs
Weather Idioms List with Meanings, Examples, & PDFs
Time Idioms List with Meanings, Examples, & PDFs
Money Idioms List with Meanings, Examples, & PDFs
Love Idioms List with Meanings, Examples, & PDFs
Color Idioms List with Meanings, Examples, & PDFs
Animal Idioms List with Meanings, Examples, & PDFs
Body Idioms List with Meanings, Examples, & PDFs
ESL Activities for Kids and Adults on YouTube
View our official playlist of ESL activities and games on YouTube.
The channel also features other recommended resources for teaching English abroad.
Free Printables for Teachers and Students
Download free printable materials for teaching English in class.
Click here to download free printables.
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