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Post a Video Advertisement to Find English Teachers

Connect with more teachers with a video advertisement on YouTube!

The total cost for creating and featuring a video ad is $89 USD.

Read below to learn more about the video ad process.

How to Post a Video Ad

  • Review the benefits of video ad exposure on social media.
  • Watch the video ad sample to get an idea of how your ad will look.
  • Submit the text and descriptions that will appear in your video.
  • We will create a sample video for you to review.
  • Your video will be posted on YouTube after you approve the final draft.

Video Ad Exposure on Social Media

Featured on YouTube YouTube
Shared on Facebook Facebook
Shared on Twitter Twitter
Shared on
Shared on Flipboard Flipboard
Shared on Instagram Instagram
Shared on Pinterest Pinterest

Video Ad Example

View the example below to get an idea of what your video could look like.

We will customize the scenes to match the country/city where your school is located.


Create Your Video Advertisement

Fill out the form below with your YouTube Text and Video Text descriptions.

We will create a sample video for you and send you a draft version.

Your sample video will be ready within a few days.

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Job Location

    YouTube Text

    The following text will appear in your YouTube video title and description.

    We recommend using keywords in the title and description to improve your search results on YouTube.

    YouTube Video Title

    (70 maximum characters)

    YouTube Video Description

    Video Text

    The following text will appear in your video's introduction and two job description scenes.

    We recommend using brief bullet points (•) to highlight the main elements of the job description.

    Enter your text for the Introduction, Scene 1, and Scene 2.

    Title (Introduction)

    (25 maximum characters)

    Subtitle (Introduction)

    (50 maximum characters)

    Job Description (Scene 1)

    (500 maximum characters)

    Job Description (Scene 2)

    (500 maximum characters)


    Is all of your information accurate?


    Check the box to agree to the payment and terms of service.

    YouTube Video ($89 USD)


    Please prove you are human by selecting the plane.


    PayPal title=

    You will be redirected to PayPal after clicking submit to complete your payment.