English Idioms and Phrases: A List with Meanings & Examples

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English Idioms and Phrases

Search for English Idioms and Phrases with Meanings and Examples

This page features a complete list of common English idioms and phrases for language learners and teachers. The meanings for each expression are provided, along with example sentences to clarify the meanings in context.

Discover Common English Phrases and Their Meanings in Context

Learn phrases in English with meanings and examples.

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You can also change the number of expressions that appear on the page. Simply select “show entries” at the top of the table to suit your preferences.

Customize Your Own Idiom List

Since the phrases list is in a table format, it provides you with a variety of other options:

  • Save your sorted list as a PDF with the expressions that you want.
  • Copy and paste the information into a spreadsheet on your computer.
  • Edit the spreadsheet to create customized idiom activities for your students.
  • Create your own example sentences using the expressions.
  • Print the content and create matching exercises to test understanding.
  • Keep the content on your computer for future reference.

New Idiom Themes: Download Worksheets, Games, and Printable PDFs

Are you looking for more English idioms and phrases with meanings and examples? PDF files for learning the expressions are free to download.

Check out the new sections and lists devoted to unique idiom themes.

For each theme category, you can download free PDFs, including idiom worksheets for ESL students and fun idiom games for the classroom.

More themes are coming soon!

Search the complete list of idioms and phrases in the table below…

Idioms and Phrases with Meanings and Examples

Searchable List of 489 Common English Idioms and Phrases

*Updated: February 2024


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Send us a message if you have any expressions or idiom themes that you would like to see.

The idiom phrases list will be updated regularly with new content.

Your ideas could be added to the lists in the next update.

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